How To Communicate With Your Child’s Educators and Why It’s Important | Cubby Care
How To Communicate With Your Child’s Educators and Why It’s Important

The key to maximising your child’s experience with an early learning centre starts with effective communication. When you and your child’s educators are on the same page when it comes to progress and learning goals, it allows your child to flourish. Furthermore, communication will help to ease the transition between home and Kindergarten, building a sense of belonging and confidence in your child.

What kind of information should I share with Cubby Care?

Cubby Care’s family of educators are your child’s primary caretakers and influencers throughout their early learning years. Therefore, to best understand and cater to the needs of your child, it’s important for our educator to be aware of:

  • Your child’s interests, likes and dislikes;
  • Their routines – sleeping, eating and toileting patterns;
  • Your child’s current wellbeing – medical conditions, sickness, etc.;
  • Any major events taking place in your child’s life. E.g. Loss of a loved one, new baby on the way, relatives visiting, etc.

By providing Cubby Care with the information above, you are helping our educator’s meet your child’s individual needs. Allowing your child to make the most of their time and education provided by Cubby Care.

What information should Cubby Care share with me?

Just as it’s important for you to share information about your child with educators, it’s also important for them to share what happens during your child’s time at Cubby Care.

Our educators should share with you:

  • Your child’s in-centre sleeping, eating and toileting patterns;
  • Their daily experiences – incursions, excursions, what activities they participated in today: art, sport and/or music, etc.;
  • Your child’s mood and behaviour – Any significant changes in your child’s personality will be noted;
  • Their relationship and how they interact with other children and educators;
  • Any health issues or accidents relating to your child.

The more you are involved in your child’s learning and the more you talk with our educators, the better you can both support your child in their learning journey.

For more information on effective communication between parents and childcare centres, check out this awesome factsheet prepared by


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